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  • Dear Mayor and City Council,

    I am writing to you in support of Neighbors United/Vecinos Unidos, the neighborhood association for Floral Farms regarding the City Council vote on our Authorized Hearing to rezone their community, scheduled for December 11, 2024.

    This effort began in 2019 due to the industrial-residential adjacency issues exposed on the national stage by Shingle Mountain. Because of the harm being caused to their health and property, the City Plan Commission initiated the authorized hearing to consider rezoning their neighborhood. To prepare for this process, they drafted a neighborhood-led land use plan over the course of a year from 2019 - 2020. There is clear consensus on the need to deindustrialize the floodplain and ensure adjacency issues with residential and industrial properties are resolved.

    As is outlined in the Staff report for this case, “The Forward Dallas 2.0 was approved on September 25, 2024. One of the main goals of the plan is to address historic environmental injustices where industrial land uses operate within close proximity to residential neighborhoods and housing. In general, the recommendations in this Authorized Hearing align with the goals of addressing historic environmental injustices and align with adopted future land use map included with Forward Dallas 2.0”. With the recent passage of ForwardDallas 2.0, it is critical that the Dallas City Council uphold its’ policy goals and approve the CPC recommendations for future zoning for Floral Farms.

    We support the recommendations that Planning and Urban Design have provided to provide residential protections through residential and agricultural zoning changes in Floral Farms. We appreciate the creation of the Planned Development (PD) for the area that includes some Light Industrial zoning. However, we believe that allowing warehouses in that PD will continue to exacerbate flooding issues through the expansion of impermeable surfaces along the Trinity River Floodplain, and pollution issues caused by the increase in truck traffic. The only amendment we are seeking is for you to remove warehouses from the PD with the Light Industrial base zoning to alleviate these issues impacting our health, safety, and quality of life.

    Please support public health and safety by supporting the recommendations from the Floral Farms community for their future zoning. We must ensure another Shingle Mountain can never happen again, and this is one step in that direction.
