Getting Ready to Rumble: Dallas Schedules Gas Drilling Briefings for August 1 and 15th
According to the Morning News, Assistant City Manager Jill Jordan sent a memo to staff today laying out the timeline for how the Dallas City Council will get officially "briefed" on the creation of a new gas drilling ordinance. Apparently on August 1, the council will have a kind of staged policy wrestling tag-team match between a spokesperson picked by Council member Scott "Grizzly" Griggs and one picked by Council member Sheffie "Killer" Kadane. Both spokespersons – as yet unnamed or still unchosen – will get 30 minutes to offer their best shot at what a good Dallas drilling ordinance looks like. All of this will be going on out in the open for public consumption. Then on August 15, the Council will be meeting in a closed door session to receive information from their lawyers. No word yet on public hearings that ought to be accompanying this march to a final vote as well.